Sunday, May 2, 2010

things I have learned since going to college 4 years ago...

1) not all friends don't care about you as much as you care about them. the craziest part is when you have friends who care more about you than you care about them.

2) life isn't black and white. republican isn't always right, democrat isn't always wrong. i'm not sure what I believe about certain things anymore, (not only politically but also theologically) and I have to be okay with that, even if others think I'm a back-sliding liberal heathen.

3) sometimes the hardest times are the times when one grows the most. adversity draws me to God and refines my relationship with Him.

4) i may never get married, and that is actually very much okay, as long as I am enjoying the journey of following God wherever he takes me. i am blessed to be pursuing a career about which I am truly passionate and i wouldn't change my current relationship status for the world if it meant the inability to follow my dreams.

5) reconciliation doesn't always work. Growing up I would handle conflict by talking to that person about it and apologizing/explaining what happened. They would reciprocate and life would return to normal. the most heartbreaking thing, and perhaps one of the most life-changing things i learned while in college is that when someone is convinced that they are right, it is nearly impossible to communicate with that person in an effort toward reconciliation. one has to be okay with knowing that one did all that was humanly possible to make things right, and to leave it there.

6) it is possible to mourn someone who has not died as if they have died...and the grieving process can take an incredibly long time...perhaps longer than if they HAD died. because the fact is, they're still alive.

7) no one is ever right. sin is always present. this is perhaps the largest truth I have learned, and the single most life changing truth.

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