Friday, May 21, 2010

life is mundane again...

Today was a long, emotionally strenuous but entirely day.

I worked for a couple hours at the daycare to start it off. 45 minutes into it, I was realizing once again why daycare is NOT my life calling. 2 hours and 14 minutes into it, a girl got a bloody nose and it got all over my park shirt.

I also worked a 10 hour shift at Newton Hills. It was not the best of days. I found myself bored for most of it, and wishing that I would have brought my book or SOMETHING to do so I wouldn't have to be losing my mind with boredom. There were 85 bazillion people working (ok, that's not true, but there were 7 of us seasonals for the majority of the time I was there) and so I got stuck in the Welcome Center the ENTIRE shift (except for when I weeded the garden in front of the Welcome Center) up until I went to show my first movie of the season.

I realized today how much I'm going to miss TOD being my only job. Not only am I going to be working like a chicken with my head cut off (in hours, not in amount of calories burned) but I will honestly miss the fact that when I'm on the clock at TOD, I am WORKING. Time flies there because there is rarely a dull moment.

Working at Newton Hills has become somewhat mundane. It's day one, and I have almost the entire summer planned, special events and all. Even the programs are slightly less fun, because it is the 4th or 5th time that I've done some of them.

I'm also the seasonal who has worked there the longest - this will be my third summer. I'm working this summer with a kid I babysat as a high schooler. I'm old.

And, I miss my college friends so much.

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