Monday, September 6, 2010

day 1

Leaving today was insanely surreal, perhaps one of the more surreal experiences of my life. I woke up at 8 am to pack up the vehicles, but that was mostly done by 10. For the next two hours I hung out at home - playing random games with my sisters. We had lunch - leftovers. The most normal of normals.

Driving away was also surreal. I drove down the same road to the same interstate that I have been traveling nearly every day all summer. With every mile the way became slightly less familiar, until I suddenly found myself west river. I don't know when or how it happened, but I'm no longer home.

I'm excited to go through Montana tomorrow. I haven't been there in over a decade and I loved it when I saw it before. :) And I'm ready to see my apartment and start making it home. :)

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