Tuesday, October 11, 2011

my day.

I feel like a rockstar.

Today I:

1) woke up at 10 am (okay, that part isn't very rock-star-ish)
2) went to school and led one of the classses I am TAing for in discussion.
3) was told by the professor that I did a really good job.
4) went to German and came home (okay, that part isn't very rock-star-ish, either)
5) recorded participation grades for the discussion as well as grading all of their "analytical questions" that they had to hand in today (a two hour process given the fact that there are 60 students in the class)
6) read 126 pages of a novel for that same class and wrote some discussion questions (I'm leading discussion again next week)
7) read 75 pages out of a book I'm reading for my grad seminar.
8) won two games of settlers.  The first game was particularly rock-star-ish.  The game started out with me in a somewhat poor position.  The guy with the great position decided to be power hungry and build a ton of roads before we could build any (to try to block us off) but completely failed to build them in the right places.  Meanwhile, I built a city on one of my settlements, and proceeded to EXPLODE.  I won 10-5-4.  Then I played against the "I'm going to build a bunch of roads because I'm power hungry" guy again.  And won.  again.  It's so fun being shamelessly competitive in a venue where no one can see my ridiculous actions and reactions.  There was a lot of celebration occurring, I won't lie.  All they saw, though, was the polite "good game" at the end.  Oh, and just to clear up any confusion, I do not always win.  So don't be overly intimidated.

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