Friday, May 20, 2011

more place of employment ponderings

So...I work in infant/children's clothing. Working in such an environment gives me a lot of time to think about things related to infants and children. Following are some (perhaps cynical) thoughts:

1) children can be so irritating - especially in stores. if ever I do have children, I really really really hope my kids aren't the type that whine until they get what they want.
2) children tend to repeat themselves over and over and over again if they feel they have not been heard, or they do not get the answer they want. I think I do that with God must be super annoying.
3) folding infants' clothing all day really makes me question things that make me me. So many women come through that department, all oohing and ahhing over "how adorable" that onesie is, or what a good deal that three dollar outfit is, and how they might as well buy it because it's so cheap (buahahahaha one point for capitalism, zero points for that customer). Maybe some day I'll be pregnant or a mother or whatever and think it's absolutely great fun to walk through the infant clothing section. But for now, spending a great deal of time there is a constant reminder to me how far away I am mentally from wanting kids (I suppose that's okay since I'm not really at a place in life to have any). I cannot fathom creating a mini human who relies on me for everything. I cannot fathom that sort of responsibility and life-altering-ness. And thinking about this makes me okay with being single. I like children...but I cannot comprehend being a mother. It's an entirely foreign concept to me. Maybe some day...but for now I'm content, and okay with an entirely emotionally removed folding of said clothing.

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