Saturday, April 16, 2011

dun dun dun

I really miss home. It makes me really sad and feel like a horrible family member and friend that I don't have any current plans to go back until after I finish my masters. It makes me feel sad because I really miss everyone. I miss being involved in their lives, and I miss having a group of people who know and love and support me.

And yet, moving here is the best thing I've ever done. Not because I necessarily have plans to stay here for the rest of my life, but because it stretched me and grew me. Because it taught me so many things and made me so much stronger.

I've changed a lot being here. I've become a lot less nominally Republican, a lot less naive, a lot more culturally aware, and a lot more comfortable with public transportation. And as I watch the world go up in flames around me (or at least that is what some believe), I am thankful for the night and day difference between my home town and my current town. Growing up Republican and living in a Democrat city (if things can be characterized in such a black and white manner) has taught me the wisdom of refusing to take a side. Being willing to listen to "those crazy liberals" has taught me to appreciate the ways that Republicans have gone wrong. Being from a Republican place has taught me to appreciate the ways that Democrats have gone wrong. To refuse to be a Republican because they're crazy, and to refuse to be a Democrat because they're crazy.

Maybe the revolution will come next year. Maybe never. Maybe the end is near, maybe it's still centuries or millennia away. I'm just trying to be faithful in what I know. To be faithful in following God here and now. To be faithful to the people He has given to me, and to the beliefs I have come to hold dear. That's the only way I know how to live. I could start freaking out about all the "crazies" out there and their antics, but to do so would be to go against how I believe God has called me to live - not borrowing trouble from tomorrow.

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