Saturday, December 25, 2010

possible new years resolutions?

So, it is the time of the year to begin pondering the new one...and with the dawning of the new comes the semi-required list of resolutions that may or may not be accomplished. Last year my main New Year's resolution was to be able to run three miles in under thirty minutes by March 1. I more than accomplished my goal. Of course, as soon as I accomplished it, I had no more motivation, started waitressing, and stopped running when my feet started hurting too much from standing in ballet flats for five hours to work up the resolve to run three miles on a treadmill. This=problematic. Future New Years resolutions need to have more longevity.

The closing of this year finds me sorely out of shape once more. I don't have a treadmill at my apartment, so I do not believe that my resolutions for 2011 will include such a specific goal. However, Christmas has left me in dire need of shedding a few unwanted pounds. So, I am pondering some sort of New Years' resolution that involves losing those Christmas pounds and being more physically active all at the same time. Maybe less movie watching and more working out is in order? I say yes.

I have been tossing around some sort of technology fast. Not for all of 2011 of course, but perhaps for the first month or two? Facebook, maybe? This may prove too much for me, though. Then again, I'm not sure that I would have to drop it entirely. Perhaps limiting myself to checking it once a day just to keep friends and family somewhat connected. There are those who might be slightly annoyed if I dropped out of cyberspace. Then again, isn't that their problem, not mine? ;) I have been thinking of how much homework I could get done in such an efficient manner if I wasn't so ADD about stuff.

I also resolve to take over the world by December 31, 2011. Watch out world, here I come. It's all about making the right alliances and knowing when to break them. Some sort of creepy meld of Survivor and Risk strategy will be what propels me to world domination.

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