Monday, January 28, 2013

joy in the journey

I am a questioner, a cynic.  Where you see black and white, I see various shades of grey.  When you want an answer, I want a spectrum of opinion.  I am a seeker but rarely a finder.  I am convinced of one thing, and that is that I'll never arrive, that I'll never know what to make of God and His power and presence in the world.

When asked a question, I don't have the answer.  I can only tell you what I know.  And I know very little.  I can talk to you of my experience of Jesus Christ, and I love to do so, but I can never report my experience as fact.  I'm okay with that.  I live by faith.

I'm a contentedly postmodernist, conservatively liberal, Jesus-loving girl who looks out and sees a wide world full of possibility.  A world full of brokenness, aggression, hatred, and fear.  A world where those who call themselves Christians are leading the charge toward of all sorts of evil.  A world where God's name is invoked for all the wrong reasons, for most of the wrong causes.

I find joy in the journey, in the questions, in the seeking but never fully finding - not yet, at least.  I delight in the diversity of Christianity and how it points to a big God whose love is extravagant.

I put my faith in Jesus of Nazareth.  In a simple carpenter who lived a radical life.  Who pushed the boundaries, asked questions to provoke his followers to change, and who died a criminal's death in an act of ultimate love.  I believe that He is who He says He is.  And I give my life in pursuit of Him.

I have decided to follow Jesus.

No turning back.

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