Wednesday, November 9, 2011

universal reconciliation?

So, you should go HERE and read this.  It's super long with lots of links to even longer articles, but it's crazy good.  I'm not sure how much I "should" or do agree with, although I must admit that I find myself very intrigued by the 'biblicalness" of the theology and the adherence to Scripture as inspired, since in the past I would have seen this sort of thing as borderline heretical.

I think my long term goal is to tackle each of the topics that Beck addresses in this post - to explore the "other side" and to come to some sort of honest conclusion on where I stand.  But, I'm a history graduate student with a masters' thesis to write, so I promise nothing on any sort of time table.  For now, please consider taking the time to read the above link and feel free to comment with any thoughts you may have.  Or if you know me, call me and we can talk voice to voice.  Or if you live near me, let's get coffee and talk! :)

I think that's maybe my biggest goal with this blog's new emphasis - to stop hiding the questions, to stop running from the theological quandaries.  To face them with the Bible as my basis and my guide.  To stop falling in line with a denominational creed just "because."  I want my faith to be my own, but to come from a careful searching of the Scriptures and consultation of wise people.

'Cause I know my God is big enough to handle it.

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