Tuesday, June 14, 2011

sleep and dreams

So, night before last I didn't sleep - I pulled an all-nighter and went to bed around 5:30 am. I slept til 3:30 pm. 10 hours of sleep. Of course, the last few hours of that were characterized by me pushing snooze/resetting my alarm. I figured it'd be hard to sleep the next night.

Last night I went to bed around 2. Decided not to set my alarm to see what happened - told myself I'd get up the first time I woke up for real. It maybe took me a half hour at the most to fall asleep, which was surprising, given my sleep pattern from the "night" before. I woke up with a random coughing fit around 5:00. Back asleep by 5:20 or so. I slept without really waking up (except half-waking up to roll over) until 1:30 pm. 1 stinking 30! This is bizarre to me. Why on earth did I sleep for 11 hours?

I wish I wasn't like this. I love sleeping too much, and when given the chance I sleep quite literally half of my life away.

My dreams were entertaining, at least. I dreamed that myself and three other friends from school here were involved in some sort of illegal operation that involved us catching a ship to sail away somewhere. Before doing this, though, we all went on this weird shopping spree where as soon as one of us paid for the merchandise, the others would be summoned and would leave the store to board the ship with their merchandise without paying for it. In my dream this was, although illegal, something necessary for our very survival. The necessity outweighed the illegality. We did this at several stores - I would always be the first one to check out, so I'd have to pay for my merchandise. Then we went to Fred Meyers (kinda funny since I've never been in one in real life). In my dream this was a HUGE, dimly lit Sams Club kinda place where they sold everything from clothes to food to toys to whatever. I'm assuming Fred Meyers is kinda like that in real life. (maybe not the dimly lit part). The lights were so dim that it was difficult to see, except in this one random part of the grocery section where the lights were insanely bright. Anyway. At this store I decided not to be the first one to check out, because I realized I would not only have more time to grab stuff if I did so, but would also not have to pay for anything. So I was RUNNING around the store haphazardly grabbing stuff and throwing it in my cart. My cart began to overflow, and I couldn't find anything else that would be remotely useful to me...and still the others had not checked out. It soon became evident that no one was going to...that we all had the same strategy. So we had this meeting where it was decided that one of the others was going to pay for her stuff (she had the least amount so it fell to her) while the rest of us prepared to make a break for it (we had so much stuff that the "security" guys were suspicious and were following us around the store. So she paid, and we all started running. For some reason one of the other guys combined the stuff in his cart with the stuff in mine (it was REALLY full now) and so he was pulling the cart with a tow rope attached to a bike that he rode, while I pushed it running. At first I was able to keep up running, but then one of my legs went numb and I was kinda just holding onto the cart and letting it pull me (we were going so fast that doing this caused my legs to fly behind me like I was weightless or something.) Then we crashed the cart, and one of my legs was numb from sheer exhaustion, and I couldn't run anymore. Then I woke up and realized it was 1:30.

Hope you all enjoyed that recreation of my bizarre shop-lifting dream.

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