Saturday, November 23, 2013

For the Days of Loss

They are words spoken all too often: "He was so young..."  Just beginning, really, and then gone in a heart-breaking moment.  Hope shattered, darkness descends, God seems distant at best, cruel at worst.

Why, God?  Why him, why them, why us?  Where are you, God?  How is this loss possible?  For how long, God?  It is all so senseless, but what in this life isn't?  It is all so fragmented, the very fabric of the universe stretched taut to the point of shattering.


Your Kingdom come, Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

On this indescribably dark day, God weeps.  He cries with us - the darkness is not ours to bear alone.  His heart breaks with ours.

God with us, Immanuel.  God with us, among us, for us.  God incarnate, God enthroned, the suffering servant who took our sorrows and sin upon himself.

In this hour of loss, what can we say of the sovereignty of God?
God with us, among us, weeping.
God holding us, loving us, our Comforter.
God for us, not against us, our Defender.

One day, Love will triumph once for all.  Death defeated, chains broken, love victorious.  But love is victorious when it suffers for humanity, when it sacrifices its own good, when it dies.  Thanks be to God, death is not the final word.  Love wins.  In our day of loss, in our time of inexpressible sorrow, we remember and cling to the God who died.

The God who carries our sorrows.

The God who weeps.

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