Monday, June 20, 2011

moments of inspiration

It sometimes becomes quite evident that I am a product of my time... I often think in facebook status form. I also often think about blog posts that I would write if I was at a computer. Of course 99% of these are never written, because I'm not at a computer. This post represents my feeble attempt to recreate a few of the things I have been thinking about lately.

Retail job update:

I love it. Yep, I've been converted from a hater to a huge fan. I actually enjoy going to work, I hate taking breaks, and I rarely get bored. I'm not exactly sure what has possessed me to like something so mundane and terrible (yes, it is terrible in many respects...there are many times when if you were a mouse on my shoulder you would hear me mumbling things to myself: "Who do you think you are? Were you born in a barn? You jerk! WHAT!?" etc.) And yet, there is something strangely addicting about spending hours and hours in racks and racks of clothing. On Thursday I started organizing girls clothing. I was having such a blast, and, I will proudly say that my main rack that I created still exists in a near perfect form. That's when you know you've created a masterpiece...customers don't mess it up. I created a masterpiece of that nature in infants yesterday...although it hasn't stood the test of time as long as the one in girls.

Tonight, though, tested my love. A bunch of people called in sick (ok, only one or two, but they didn't schedule many people today [which, by the way, makes no sense since it was stinking FATHER'S DAY and SO BUSY]) and we were sorely understaffed. We all took turns in the fitting room (I spent two un-scarring hours there, which was surprising given last time was a train wreck), and the rest of my day except for the last half hour was literally spent on emptying three carts. I didn't get to do any of the fun organizing wracks stuff which I have come to love, not to mention the fact that I only folded one table out of like 8. Oops. The good news is is that the support manager lady no longer does walk offs for me, so I don't have that fear looming over my night.

It seems I have graduated from "newbie" status. There is officially a new wave of associates (two waves in soft-lines, actually), so people come to me for advice now. Tonight I spent about 15 minutes reassuring the newest girl that even though there is almost no formal training, it gets better with time. It's weird to not be new anymore...and to not constantly have people telling me "If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask." It's also weird to know where everything is in the infants and girls sections (and a fair amount about the other clothes sections too). Like, show me a shirt, and I'll be able to walk you to exactly where it is.

I have decided, though, that I absolutely need to quit this job come September. Although I would probably be able to make it work schedule wise (just work weekends and nights) I don't think it's worth it. Working there would mean absolutely no social life, no opportunity to just enjoy my last year here... I need to quit, even if I do like it and even if I do like the extra income and even if I do feel like a jerk for quitting.

On seasons: it SERIOUSLY June 19th (20th technically) already? I think that is by far the strangest part about living in Washington. The winter was warmer than I'm used to, sure. But even that wasn't such a shock because it was still coldish. I still wore a jacket, there was snow every once in a while, etc. But this, THIS, is just crazy. It was like...60 today. And it hasn't been "hot" yet. I don't exactly miss it, but it is really disorienting for it to be well into what I would consider "summer" but for it to still be so cold. I do hope it gets warmer before "summer" ends...I would be sad if there wasn't at least one day when I felt normal wearing shorts and a T-shirt.

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