Sunday, May 2, 2010

another life update

Let's see...what has Marilee been up to lately?

1) 5th grade band contest. I accompanied the 5th grade brass players at their contest on Saturday. That was a ton of fun. So I have been spending a fair amount of time lately rehearsing with them and then going to the actual contest on Saturday.

2) frequent visits to NW. Pretty much whenever I have an evening and the next morning off from work I go to NW. This has been fabulous. Last night I was there, and it was so much fun. We went grocery shopping, ate at the caf (I brought my own food hahaha), saw Carrie in RUSH, cooked food, went to the park and took pictures, played Sardines, and spent a fair amount of time just hanging out and talking. I will miss NW a lot.

3) Work. I have been working a lot - 30-35 hours at the restaurant plus 1 or 2 afternoons a week of subbing middle school science. It adds up to working every day for weeks on end, which I'm actually okay with because I still have time to sneak away for sleepovers in apt 231. :) Tonight in particular was a crazy night at T.O.D...I was the only waitress (the other girl was sick again) and so got all the tables and all the tips. $90 in 6.25 hours, not bad. That's only tips...not counting the $2 or so I'll make after taxes from the restaurant.

There is only one more week until graduation. Under a week actually. This is four days I'll be heading to NW for the last time... In six days I will have officially walked across the stage... In eight days I will be headed to WA to check out apartments. It's so crazy...time is starting to move so quickly. I have completed 4.5 months of the 9 that I have at home. September seems so far away, but it's really not. Before I know it I'll be leaving. That is kinda scary. But kinda awesome too.

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