Saturday, December 22, 2012


You wake up this morning with your battle chosen for you - the painful task of untangling dream, emotion, and reality.  Your dreams leave your emotions disconnected and everything so confused.  Your dreams are not reality but your emotions want them to be.  Your emotions cannot be allowed to rule, because, if they are, reality will once again become a nightmare.

At some point you are confronted with a choice.  Either continue to hopelessly love another - a noble choice, to be sure - or start the arduous and uncertain work of training your brain to let go.  You are never sure which choice is noble and which profane; maybe neither, maybe both.  And maybe it's not so much about choosing between the alternatives, but about entrusting God with the choice.  Learning each day to pray "Thy will be done," and truly mean it in every sense of the word.  But it is there that it is tricky.  Because always your brain struggles against your spirit, every day your brain attempts to wrest control of your dreams.  At every turn you must pray.  "Pray without ceasing," he said.  And he really meant it.  Never is a moment of losing focus is allowable.

And so now I no longer obsess over you.  I obsess, rather, over letting you go.

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